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Search For Her As For Hidden Treasures

With the Bible in your hand and a commitment to obedience in your mind, you hold the treasure map to the greatest treasure the world has ever known, eternal life. If you search for her as for hidden treasures, you will find the ultimate treasure.

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The Bleating of the Sheep and the Lowing of the Oxen

By: Zach Collins Date: August 20th, 2021 Growing up, my father and mother gave me a chore list. A staple of many childhoods. It was posted on the refrigerator door, next to the photos of family, friends, and the magnetic tourist souvenirs from all the locations that my mother had visited in her travels. The list was clear and specific, complete with obligations that I could understand and obey every single week. As most children, after I completed the chores on the list, I received payment in exchange for my work. It seems that twenty dollars went much further in my childhood! As I reflect upon the list, I realize that, at the core of this list, was a form of parental training. My mother and father were attempting to prepare me for the “real-world”, where men and women alike are given certain job responsibilities that they are expected to fulfill. One specific moment comes to my mind: As I was doing my chores, I was tempted to only do half the chores on the list in order to see if I could pull the wool over my mother’s eyes. Sure, I realized that I would be short-changing my mother and father, but I figured that I would still get paid my twenty dollars at the end of the week and everything would work out for the betterment of myself. When it came time for payment, my mother would ask, “Did you complete your chores for this week?”, knowing that …

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Hold Your Peace

Hold Your Peace By: Zach Collins “And Moses said to Aaron, “This is what the LORD spoke, saying: ‘By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy; And before all the people I must be glorified.’” So Aaron held his peace.”Numbers 10:3 It is a heart-wrenching scene. Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, come before God and offer “strange fire” before the altar, which He had not commanded, and thus fire devoured them instantly. The definition of “strange fire” is up for discussion – nonetheless, we can conclude it was an offering of worship that was not commanded nor accepted. But what is more shocking? Is it the response of God to the strange fire of Nadab and Abihu? Or is it the response of God, through Moses, by giving Aaron and his sons a lecture on the importance of “coming near God” in holiness – a fact that is exemplified by the death of his children. There, in the place of worship, they found death instead of blessing. As Aaron beheld the manner of his son’s sins and death, he was given the last impression of his two sons, disobedience.   I have no bearing on the meaning of losing a child, but I know many who have buried sons and daughters. In our conversations, it is evident that a hole punctures your heart, which never heals, and the mourning process takes many forms, often being expressed in tears and uncontrollable emotion. Your life changes instantly. There …