With the Bible in your hand and a commitment to obedience in your mind, you hold the treasure map to the greatest treasure the world has ever known, eternal life. If you search for her as for hidden treasures, you will find the ultimate treasure.
Zach Collins | Revive Us Again
Zach Collins | Revive Us Again | Sunday Evening (September 5th, 2021) Open your Bible and follow along, as we explore some biblical examples of revival, along with the ultimate model for revival and restoration.
Zach Collins | The Man Who Lived Too Long
Zach Collins | The Man Who Lived Too Long | Sunday Morning (September 5th, 2021) Open your Bible and follow along, as we discuss the life of a great character in the Bible, King Hezekiah.
Zach Collins | Question & Answer
Zach Collins | Question & Answer Open your Bible and open your heart, as we TWO questions: 1. Is Denominationalism Sinful? 2. Are Women Permitted to Preach/Teach in the Worship Assembly?
Zach Collins | The BE-Attitudes
Zach Collins | Fundamental Sunday | The BE-Attitudes Open your Bible and follow along, as we explore the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the beatitudes that Jesus preached in Matthew 5:1-12, in our Fundamental Sunday sermon.