Saturday Sept. 14th 9:30 AM - 4 PMEddy Craft | The Application of Spiritual Perspectives in the Mountains

Brandon Rader | An Examination of Biblical Provision in the Mountains

2024 Mountain Lectureship | Fool-Proof Wisdom

Jerry Carmichael | The Pursuit of Individual Perfection in the Mountains

David Rader | A Personal Investigation of Mountain Hearts

The Mountain Lectureship is an annual event, hosted by the Paintsville Church of Christ, which is purposed to provide spiritual education and edification for Christians in Appalachia. Each year, we host speakers, who either minister or have roots in Appalachia, to speak on topics and issues that are prevalent in the Lord’s church. This lectureship provides an opportunity for individuals and families to learn more about New Testament Christianity while creating an atmosphere to continue stir up love and good works in the churches of Christ in Appalachia.
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