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You Will Be Missed

By: Zach Collins Then Jonathan said to David, “Tomorrow is the New Moon; and you will be missed, because your seat will be empty.” – 1 Samuel 20:18-19 David has received acclaim and praise. Those women had sung his song, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands.” To David, though, this song became more than a mere song in his life. The praise would soon turn to pursuit. With time, David would be mistreated by the one who, above all, should have been his rescuer and not his persecutor, Saul. Now, David is trying to outrun the unrighteousness of Saul. In this pursuit, three of David’s friends will protect him from the envy of King Saul, Jonathan (Saul’s son), Michal (Saul’s daughter, David’s wife), and Samuel (God’s prophet). In his retreat, David was expected to appear at the feast of the New Moon, but for fear of his life, he asked Jonathan to intercede on his behalf. Jonathan told David, “…you will be missed because your seat is empty.” If David’s absence was seen, his presence would be missed. Did you know? When you choose to allow your seat to be empty in the assembly, you are missed. For a moment, let me provide you with a few reasons why your presence is missed. If your seat is empty today, you will be missed. Meditate on these things.